zondag 12 juni 2011

The Vibrations of the Heart

Modern science has recently discovered that the heart emits very high levels of radiation. In fact it is now known that the heart is the largest generator of electromagnetic energy in the body, and measurements reveal that the frequency of the heart’s energy field is 5000 times stronger than that of the brain! This field moves at the speed of light and extends up to 12 feet around the body, unimpeded by organic tissues.

This alone should compel us to reconsider the role of the heart within our body. The HeartMath Institute has found that negative emotions of stress, anger or frustration are associated with erratic and incoherent patterns in the heart’s rhythm, whereas positive emotions of love and compassion leads to smooth, coherent ones. They have also discovered that changes in the heart’s rhythmic coherency, creates corresponding changes in its electromagnetic field.

High coherency (positive emotions) generates smooth sine-wave like patterns, making the field more organized. Incoherency make it more asymmetric and disorganized. Neurocardiologic research has shown that the heart communicates with the brain in several ways: neurologically (transmission of nerve impulses), biochemically (hormones and neurotransmitters) and biophysically (pressure waves).

Now we have evidence of direct, coherent energetic communication through electromagnetic field interactions as well. Using electrocardiographic (ECG) and electroencephalographic (EEG) instruments (for meassuring heart and brain waves) it has even been scientifically verified that when two people are in proximity of each other the “heart field” of one person affects the brainwaves of another!

Not only is the energy and information flowing through your heart’s energy field transmitted throughout your body and brain, but it interacts with other people as well, communicating your internal state to the envirnoment.


This excerpt was taken from Singularity of the Heart on the website called Shimmering Horizons.
You can read more on these matters on that page.